and quorum_all()
are used for the quorum
parameter in
and help describe how quorums should be
applied prior to seat distributions.
- any_district
Vote threshold a party must reach in at least one district. Used as share of total votes within a district if less than 1 otherwise as number of votes. Must be greater than 0. Uses
.- total
Vote threshold a party must reach for all votes cast. Used as share of total votes if less than 1. Otherwise as number of votes. Note that votes are not weighted with
across districts. Must be greater than 0. Usesreached_quorum_total()
a function which, when called with function(votes_matrix)
, returns
a boolean vector with length equal to the number of lists/parties
rows). The vector shows whether a party has reached any/all
There's a difference in how the functions work. With quorum_any
at least one quorum must be reached. With quorum_all
(i.e. both) quorums must be reached. If you only use one parameter,
and quorum_all()
are identical.
See also
for standalone quorum calculations
votes_matrix = matrix(c(502, 55, 80, 10, 104, 55, 0, 1), ncol = 2)
dimnames(votes_matrix) <- list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), c("Z1", "Z2"))
seats = c(Z1 = 50, Z2 = 20)
# use as parameter in biproporz or pukelsheim (general use case)
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats,
quorum = quorum_any(any_district = 0.1, total = 100))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 40 12
#> B 5 8
#> C 5 0
#> D 0 0
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats,
quorum = quorum_all(any_district = 0.1, total = 100))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 44 12
#> B 6 8
#> C 0 0
#> D 0 0
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats, quorum = quorum_any(any_district = 0.1))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 40 12
#> B 5 8
#> C 5 0
#> D 0 0
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats, quorum = quorum_any(total = 100))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 44 12
#> B 6 8
#> C 0 0
#> D 0 0
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats, quorum = quorum_any(total = 0.5))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 50 20
#> B 0 0
#> C 0 0
#> D 0 0
# the quorum parameter also accepts vectors (e.g. calculated elsewhere)
biproporz(votes_matrix, seats, quorum = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
#> Z1 Z2
#> A 0 0
#> B 27 20
#> C 20 0
#> D 3 0