Allocate seats based on the largest fractional remainder. The largest remainder method is also known as: Hamilton, Hare-Niemeyer or Vinton method.

largest_remainder_method(votes, n_seats, quorum = 0)



numeric vector with number of votes for each party


total number of seats


Vote threshold a party must reach. Used as quota of total votes within a district if less than 1 otherwise as number of votes.


The number of seats per party as a vector


The numbers of votes for each party is divided by a quota representing the number of votes required for a seat. Then, each party receives the rounded down quota value as seats. The remaining seats are given to the party with the largest remainder until all seats have been distributed.


Only the quota total votes / total seats (which is used by the aforementioned methods) is implemented.

See also


votes = c(47000, 16000, 15800, 12000, 6100, 3100)
largest_remainder_method(votes, 10)
#> [1] 5 2 1 1 1 0