Example data from the 2019 Finnish parliamentary elections. The data has been cleaned up and only contains information relevant for this package.



List containing two data.frames:

  • votes_df containing the number of votes for each party and district. 229 rows, 3 columns (party_name, district_name, votes)

  • district_seats_df with the number of seats per district. 12 rows, 2 columns (district_name, seats)


#>    district_name seats
#> 1            HEL    22
#> 2            HÄM    14
#> 3            KAA    17
#> 4            KES    10
#> 5            LAP     7
#> 6            OUL    18
#> 7            PIR    19
#> 8            SAT     8
#> 9            SKA    15
#> 10           UUS    36
#> 11           VAA    16
#> 12           VAR    17

#>   party_name district_name  votes
#> 1        KOK           UUS 114243
#> 2        SDP           UUS  97107
#> 3       VIHR           HEL  90662
#> 4         PS           UUS  86691
#> 5        KOK           HEL  84141
#> 6       KESK           OUL  78486